This is a typical product of the Tropical Coast of Granada which is considered as one of the most delicious fruits that exits. The cherimoya is a fruit with a flavour as delicate as its aroma, with no cholesterol, as it is low in fat, and represents a great source of vitamin C. We put an enormous care and effort into this fruit.
Since our very beginning we have been working to get a high quality fruit, with a high added value, to our customers.
It is a sweet, tasteful, juicy fruit, easy to eat, it suffices to cut it in half and have it with the help of a spoon.
VARIETIES: Fino de Jete
6 |7 |8 |9 |12 |14 |16
> Cardboard box 40 x 30 cm, embedded, 3-4 Kg
> Cardboard box 20 x 30 cm, embedded, 2 Kg
> Flow Pack
> Ifco, Europool
Production Calendar: