The pitaya, also known as Dragon Fruit or Pitahaya, is a spectacular fruit originally native to Central America, of the family Cactaceae. It only blooms overnight and grows typically in dry tropical or subtropical climates. We
market different red varieties ( with red or white flesh) and yellow ones.

It is very aromatic, with a pleasant, sweet flavor. It is imperative to emphasize its excellent nutritional value, with numerous diuretic properties, low in calories and very rich in vitamin C (antioxidant).

The subtropical climate of our region allows us to grow a novel product with an incredible appearance and awesome properties. Our proximity to the market and our exclusivity make us a competitive referent and a big specialist in Pitaya.


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> Undatus (White flesh)
> Costaricencis (Red flesh)
> Purpusil (Purple flesh)



> Cardboard box 40 x 30 cm, 3-4 kg
> Cardboard box 20 x 30 cm, 2 kg

Production Calendar: